Your life hasnt been the easiest.
But you are too weak to hear.
They say we aint perfect
And it doesnt all make perfect sense
You always was in wonder
In an awe of others
That seemed to have it all
That perfect family
Just like Ozziette and Harriette that you used to watch on TV
Have you ever fell
Sure we all have
But you was always able to pick yourself up out of the clay
You may of not a a "perfect" father figure
In either your life or mine
But we had each other
A Mother and a son
That thought you hung the moon
Sometimes you cry yourself to sleep
And wonder is it really worst it as it seems
You wonder if you will ever see heaven's gates
Or will you be burning in hell's flames
Will you walk on streets of Gold
Or will your feet burn on the burning coal
No matter where Life takes you God told me one thing
And to tell it to you
No matter what you have done in life
Or will do anytime in the near future
He has a placed saved just for you in a place called heaven
There is a mansion there waiting with your name on the door
Your mama your brother and you grandma wont be far behide
What took you so long will be their reply
You have spent your life living in Hell
God wont send you there for the rest of it
You didnt have the perfect childhood
In fact it would be safe to say you was probably one of the worst cases in Leitchfield
But throughout all of that you had your guardian angel to stay right there with you
And hold you together even though inside you was fallin apart
Who was that angel it was your precious mama
Then you grew up and got married
It was no where near the perfect marriage either
It sure had its ups and down
You was back in the same place once again
Dealing with a drunk something you tried to run away from
But you had a child and thought that would change
He grew up loving his mama
But his dad well that was another story
But throughout all the bad times all those times he saw you cry yourself to sleep
Or lock yourself up in the bathroom
He was there your second gauardian angel holding your hand
Who was that your son
And not only was he there for you but you was the only one you could reach him
The only one he would lisen to
When all he wanted to do was crawl up in a whole and die
So you see all 3 of you had a purpose in life
And that was to hold those 3 close
protect them and never let them go
That was your all's purpose in life
Cause no matter how bad things was on the surface
There was always us 3.
Brother Billy Higdon Oct 5th 05