Week 1: Oct 13th 05
1st week and I'm holding on to faith that more will arrive
1 showed up before the chat but left the other came in after I already quit
It was me and my wife we had prayer for the chat and Prayed for the annoiting Of God and that more will show up
Also there was 2 prayer requests:
1.My Sister In Law's real dad he is dying of Cancer At one time he was a baptist preacher but he left her mom while they was married when he was caiught cheating Not saying it cant get forgivness but I dont think he is preaching anymore so not sure where he is with God I could be wrong but I'm just not sure
2.My aunt she has Sugar and is loosing her feet and leg it is sooooo bad Plus she has also found what I think is to be some type of Blood Cancer in her marrow I think they said not sure what type that is but they say she wont be here at Christmas so it dont look good. She was raised Catholic but dont pratice anything but the way my mom was talking she is asking everyone she ever hurt to forgive her and she has caused alot of hurt to my mom and myself its my dad's sister so we think she has found God and also was saved and her actions is proving that it is just bad that it had to take death to do.
The Revalation Studies will start next week if we get more people either way me and my wife will be there
2nd Week Oct 20th 05
We sort of skimmed through the 1st Chapter and also discussed 1st Timothy where it stats The Dead in christ will raise 1st
I take that as those of us you are dead to sin not in the grave.
But not everyone sees the bible the verses the same way and thats fine
Also before the service began me and my wife had prayer for everyone that was in our prayer list
Up until The 2nd Week of Nov we continued on Rev cant remember the exact verses cause its now Janurary when I'm doing my next update so I didnt keep notes
We didnt have anything for bout a month on the Bible Studies cause of my dad's accident
Janurary 5th: We had prayer for some certain people that asked us to pray we done a few more in Revelations and we closed out our next Bible Study will be Janurary 12th and we will be going through the whole bible old straight through the new I've read it cover to cover myself 12 times but my wife hasnt and I'm sure others havent too so I want to just go through it slowly it will take awhile but maybe 1 or 2 chapeters a night depending on time