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My Online Published Poems

Bridge To No where

We saw it tore
We saw it wore
No man could cross
But calls could come in
We could tell our children
In distanane state that we was ok
Cell phones had full serivce
We saw it on Tv
Where the Bridge To No Where
God had our connection clear
Why to help the broken hearted
Those that feared the worst
And most of all why did god open the lines
To tell the devil in the misdt of the storm
God is still in control

Billy J Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy J Higdon

A Mother's Love

A Mother's Love Is Strong
It hold bars no one can break through
No matter how far we go
We are never too far away
A Mother has a special bond with her children
One we cant understand
She does we done wrong before a word even comes out
She knows we are in pain even though no word is spoken
She will be there no matter what
No matter what path in life we have chose
No matter how far in sin we have gone
A Mother's Love never quits
Even if we do things she knows to be wrong
A Mother's Love Is Everlasting

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Acting Out The Dream

Everyone I see
And every where I go
I see people like me
With dreams and visions of their own
Some dream of fame
Some dream of fortune
But others like me dream of day when no sickness nor pain she arrive
That day is when we meet our Lord Jesus Christ.
I also dream of opening up a church one day.
God call me to pastor
and I will answer that call.
He also gave me the knowledge to write
So now I will reach people that could never hear me preach.
From The US to Europe
They can go online and read my poems
Aint God Good

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Awake My Child

As watchers gazed at the breeze of flames
As many clamed their life
I watched you from above
Watching tears fall from your face
For people you didnt even know
I watched as you all gained together in churches To pray
And All I have to say Is I'm proud of you
As people set glued to the TV
Wondering if they caught the Terrorists you done this
Wondering if it's not that at all but Are we at war
Dont worry bout it because I will always be there
Just when you think your alone call upon my name
And I will be there
Just take this as a warning or wake up call
And awake my child before its too late
Because the day will come when I come after my bride
Will you be in that number?

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon



As I breathe the winds of life change
All that you have is mine for the taking
The power of God is at my fingertips
All I have to do is breathe
Breathe the life into dying souls
Trying to change their way of thinking
And make them believe
Believe in a power greater than I
That is you Lord
You can Breathe the life into them
When I take a little part
To tell them bout you
If I dont open my mouth they will never know
Because you sent them to me
you chose me for a purpose
One to witness, One to preach
And most of all to be a worker for you
And sometimes you have to Breathe life in me
When I get tired or when I cant go on
Just Breathe on Me

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


This next one was wrote about my grandma that died on New Years of 99


Without Warning

Just Give My A Warning
They seem to go without a pain
They seem to go in a split second
With no time to say Goodbye
I lost alot of love ones over the years
Most I knew were dying
But yet there were a few that died without a warning at all.
I know you said you would come like a theif in the night
But please give me a warning next time
Granny died on the couch the docs revived her
Only to live on a machine for days
One moment she was fine the next moment she fell to the ground
Not a moment to tell her goodbye
Not a second to say I love you
No warning at all she was just gone

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


This was wrote at one of the worst periods of my life when I had to walk away from a church because it was sold from under me If you know what I mean or have been though it you will understand if you have never been through it pray that you don't cause it was the worst time of my life and the hardest thing I ever done it took ALOT of prayer and alot of people praying and God to get me back to where I am now but it was over a year in the making of never quitting church and never giving up but being faced with that crossroads like Job and Its proud to say I'm greater now than I ever was for coming out of it




I Want It Back

I used to be able to reach 1000s
I was amoung the best on radio
Alot of souls were reached
Even one woman is alive today
Because I obeyed
Now God has moved me on
I have my own church now
A church that needs all the attention
A congregation that is there to hear my words
But I feel bad cause I left behide my heart
My heart was in that radio
Reaching people that is sick and in bed
People that normally couldnt see me in church
That is where my heart was
But God moved me out
Cause he said he had other plans
Now I'm at a church where not many show out
When they get saved they sure don't stay
If this is where you want me
Give me the heart to stay

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Just By Chance

Just by Chance a young girl starts walking
Just as she began talking
To this old Man
Some would call him a begger
But some would call him a angel
She gives him a little money
And starts walking again
When a thought came to her
I wanta do more
She offer the old man a bite
And she started talking to him bout The Lord
And he accepted God in his life
Now as you pass that bagger
Just remember Just By Chance
You can save a life

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon



Hear My Voice

Can you see me Can you hear me
Is this the way it is surposed to be
Hear my voice dear God
Hear my plead
I know I'm not where I'm surposed to be
Things are different now
I'm still holding on to that promice
You remember when I was just a child
You said my mama would be around
To see my baby grow
Well we are pregnant now
And they saying mommy is dying
I've gone through this so many times
Now I'm too weak to speak
All I can do is plead
But its still the same me
That same boy that came to you for my needs
That same boy that was always on his knees
Well I back on those same bended knees

Billy J Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon





Calling Home

As a old man lays on his death bed
He can hear The Lord Calling Him Home
He answers but what what bout my family
My grandchildren
My wife and my kids
Little bobby is only three
How will he ever remember me
The Lord answers and saids
You lived your life
You lived to me Eighty Three
Its time you come back home to me

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Counting My Sheep

I look down from heaven each and every day
I see some of my sheep leaving
With that and more coming in
I even see sheep they once knew me
And left but are coming back
So each day I lay back on my Throne
Just watching and Counting Sheep
I'm so thanful to see my sheep on their knees
After I all I died for everyone not just one
And I rose again on the 3rd day
So that you all might have life.

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon



Days Gone By

Some are happy times
Some wish we could forget
Some we regret
And others we just dont care to mention
The happy times are those we cherish
For some it's playin in the leaves in the fall
For some it's playin in the snow
Each has it's own happy memories
My happy times were spent most in my childhood
Times they I think I could forget
But hope not too
I was young and free
That was a great time
I wish sometimes I could turn back the hands up time
And go back to yester year
It was much simplier than
Didnt have no bills
Didnt have no worries
It was just me and some friends havin fun

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Dear Lord

You have been a friend
You were there for me at my deepest
You were there at my lowest
You know be better than anyone
You are always there to lend an hand
I could try to tell what all you have done
But if I did I would be here all night
If it wasnt for your Love and Grace I wouldnt be where I am today
I just wanta Thank You Lord
I wanta Thank you for always being there when I needed a friend
You are an one of a kind friend
I could cross the world over and NEVER find a Love As True as Yours

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Do You Ever Wonder

Do you wonder if you could go back in time
And chage the mistakes you made
Do you think it would make a difference
Or would you do everything the same
Everyone sometimes wishes they could turn back the hands of time
Maybe stop Father Time from moving just for an instance
But what we sometime deglect to see
Is no matter if we can or not would we actually change a thing
Everyone has made mistakes
Even I
But for every mistake we make we grow stronger
Not only in ourselves but in The Lord
If we didnt have regrets we wouldnt be humans
But only a piece of clay
God moldest us
And made us what we are today
We may had not always followed him
We made had not always lived the life
But God has forgave us for that
But can you forgive yourself?

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


This was wrote when I opened up my 1st church


Opening The Door

As the doors swing open
As I look inside the doors
I see alot of work ahead
But know God will prepare the way
If I just lisen to the word that he did say
And if I obey My rewards will be greater
As I see souls saved
And hearts wons over for Christ
And as I learn along the way
That although I'm the pastor
I must become a servant for the master
Which is God almighty
As I learn along the way
Not my will but thy be done
As I learn along the way
That God is Still working on me
I'm not finished yet
I make sure everything is going smooth
But God opens up the door
And holds the keys in his hands

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


This is from 9/11


Remebering The Day

Its a time that alot of people will morn
A day everyone can say
That their Life Surly changed
A day that will sketch in the minds
and in their hearts
And thier heart might skip a beat
Once they here those children cry
why did daddy never come home
Why isnt mommy here today
And their hearts will come back
Go back to the day that their hearts died
And the day America Died
And the day that they can no longer
Give up on daddy's knee
On set on those pinao keys
With mommy learning them how to play
Because they are in heaven
With the saints and with God
Shouting with glee that they made it
While we are still hear picking up the pieces

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


This was wrote AFTER my grandpa died and just like getting problems out writing can get anger out too My cousin threw up my dead grandpa to me and its safe to say it made me pretty upset exspecially since he had died not long before


You Had No Right

You Had No Right Bring his name up
While you was out popping pill
And smoking dope
And ruining your life
I was with him every breath
I couldnt watch him die
Like I did grandpa a year or so before
So because you spent nights with with
You thought you cared most
Who was anyways there for him
Who did he call on the most
Of his grandsons I was his favorite
You never could stand it
You hated me
Because he loved me
The the rest of the bunch I was the outcast
To papaw I was the best
While you was doped up
I went to church
He even got saved before his dying breath

Billy J Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Changing Houses

I'm not changing the rooftops
I'm changing houses
I'm moving on up as the old saying goes
No more mr rude and crude
No more sheding of tears
Or no more long goodbyes
I'm back where I should of been
The whole time along
I'm back shouting on that rooftops
That I'm a chosen called out
Child Of The King
No more hurting
No more tears shall deem my view
Cause of here no this new rooftop
The view is mighty fine

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


This was a request from a fellow church friend that I write something bout a Table Fit For A King I had to wait on God to give me the words but here they are He died this year and at his request this was in his casket


Table Fit For A King

Just like in Revelation
Just like in the days of ole
Jesus had prepared a supper fit for kings
No matter if we are kings or even beggers
Even the beggers on the streets
Has a place at a table fit for a king
And you shall eat with our savior
The one that created us
And made us anew from the dust of the clay
They called us different
They even called us the Saturday Bunch
Cause we stood for something more
Than just a pat on the back
Now some of us has moved on
Some to bigger and better things
As you just set to ponder on days to come
While we are livin out our lives
But At the very last breath you take
In heaven you shall awake
Feasting at that table fit for a king

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Hear My Voice

Can you see me Can you hear me
Is this the way it is surposed to be
Hear my voice dear God
Hear my plead
I know I'm not where I'm surposed to be
Things are different now
I'm still holding on to that promice
You remember when I was just a child
You said my mama would be around
To see my baby grow
Well we are pregnant now
And they saying mommy is dying
I've gone through this so many times
Now I'm too weak to speak
All I can do is plead
But its still the same me
That same boy that came to you for my needs
That same boy that was always on his knees
Well I back on those same bended knees

Billy J Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Changing Houses

I'm not changing the rooftops
I'm changing houses
I'm moving on up as the old saying goes
No more mr rude and crude
No more sheding of tears
Or no more long goodbyes
I'm back where I should of been
The whole time along
I'm back shouting on that rooftops
That I'm a chosen called out
Child Of The King
No more hurting
No more tears shall deem my view
Cause of here no this new rooftop
The view is mighty fine

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon



Do You Love Me

Do You Love Me
Do you honestly me
Do you love me enough to give up the world
Do you love me enough to follow me
Do you want to give up every sinful thing in your life
Do you want to strive to perfection
Or do you just want to makes ends meet
It's all up to you
I wont force you to live for me
I wont force you on the path I think you should take
I will just give you a bible
And I will let you learn
By reading my word you Will soon learn the way you should live
I'm leavin it in your hands which road will you take?

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Driving Away

As I start up the car
And look back from a far
I see everything I wish to forget
And everything I dont want to lose
I dont want to run
But that's all I can do
I wish someone would stop me
But who
Then a voice cries out Stay my child
Go back home

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Dry Those Tears

As she takes her last breath
She tells her daughter she loves her
Hopeing to someday meet again In Heaven
She tells her young child to never give up
Dont cry for me
I'm going Home To Jesus
And if you serve him like I did we shall meet again someday
Dont give up on your beliefs
You are 20 now and have a family of your own
You son and daughter needs you like you needed me
Now God is calling me home
And I gotta go
But never forget Sissy that I love you
I have lived my Life
I have raised 3 beautiful children
My life is now complete
Just think of me and I'll be there
You may not be able to see me
But I can see you
And I'll always be in your dreams

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


That one was about my grandpa who got saved on his dying bed YES I believe people can get saved like that


This next one was my mom's cousin when she died I wrote this



To Shirley Wright Benjamin

I heard on the Radio Today...
That you passed on
Even though I knew you lived past the Doctors Time
As I heard them annouce your name
Trying to dry the tears
I began to scream out within myself
Hoping it wasnt my Shirley
Thinking that maybe it was someone with the same name.
But than they begin to call out all your family's names
And at that point I knew there was no denying.
I know now you are in a better place
For years you were sick dying of cancer
You told the doctors not to tell you how long you had
Because you feared you would give up
But you fought the good fight
You helped others along the way
And even though it hurts now
I know that you are better off deep down.
I still have my memories
And that will keep ya alive in my heart

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Father's Letter

Dear God
I Know you are busy
But thought I'd say Hi
My daughter is sick
I know it may be asking alot
But could you please spare her life just a little while Longer
She aint old enough to die yet
She hasnt drove a car
Or she hasnt met your man
Or even had children
You see Lord she is only six
And a car hit her today
The doctors said she wont make It
But I know you can change that
Then the miracle happened
The little girl opened her eyes
Daddy I Love You
You could see tears dropping from the daddy's eyes
God spared her life and let her live on

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Timely Decision

It was all my fears rolled into one
I woke up to see an empty bed
I woke up to see I was alone
God had come back for his saints
And I was left behide
I used to shout with the best
I ran those esiles and fight that spirit
But I made a decision to forfil a dream
And it had nothing to do with God almighty
Now my Timely Dicision has be setting here
Setting at a crossroads
With no where to turn
If I take the mark I will surly die
But if I don't take the mark I shall live with God
That is the question that awaits my heart
If I take it I will live on earth
Eat and do all the things I'm used to do
But if I take it I will also send my soul to hell
My decision is it just ain't worth it to me

Billy Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Tis The Season

Tis the sesaon to spread cheer
Tis the season of a birth
A birth of a young child
That once laid in a little crib
That done good all of life
Only to hang on a tree
With him dead the devil won
When he arose the devil saw defeat
Now it's defeat for usas christians
As we set back and allow God to be out
Out of our schools
Out of our work
And out of our lives
We forgot the real meaning of Christmas
Don't you think it's time he is put back in?

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Checking In My Life

Dear God,
I'm here to call
I'm here standing up against a wall
No where to go
No chance to fall
I'm just checking in today
So if you could find time for me
I'm stilling looking for that promice
A bigger and better church just for me
You said to leave it behide
And never to look back
You said I was like Job
Tried with all that fire
But if I look back like Lot's wife
I will turn away
It's taking every ounce of faith
But I've grown to known
That your promice is true
And I will see it soon

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


This is VERY True its about my grandma that died a few years ago


Healing Wings

Those healing wings Well they always appear
When we are in dispear
When we feel like no one cares
Those angel wings appear to heal our hearts
Just a couple years ago I lost a dear friend
He was old and was around for awhile
He got weaker as days gone by
Once in a hospital bed after he came to
He said he saw a bright light and Jesus
Well he was standing there with arms wide
I was in the the ride
Didnt want to leave
But he heard a little boy praying
Papaw I want you near me Please stay awhile
He went on with the Lord later that year
But still you can hear that little boy
Praying saying papaw I want you near
He hears songs that bring a tear
Someday hose healing wings will fly again

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


This poem was wrote about a dear church lady that was my granny's bestfriend for years She got sick and I wrote this and oddly enough it was published the day I had church my 1st night at the church I Pastored

The reason for the Title is she used to Sing the Song O'Stephen AKA He Will Roll Me Over The Tide



Well Just Like O'Steven
You stood the fight
You raced with the devil
You carried your cross
And you won the victory
Now the time has come
When life has turned your a bad deal
But instead of giving up
You stand fast on the word
You say God will heal
Oh God will heal when it looks like all is gone
When the doctors say No Way
God said YES
I know there will come a time your be beat on your feet again
Up telling the lots about Christ
I look forward to that day Oh Sister That day will come Again

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


In honor of that poem something is telling me to type you the song I never knew the song well I knew it my granny when alive always requested she would sang it and I never learned it til AFTER my grandma died but now everyone requests me to sing it and like a few other songs I can always feel my grandma around when I sing it I know that sounds weird but here it is....


1st verse When Stephen was accused loney and belwildered no one that day would stand by his side but he loved into the heavens to the right hand of the father and he rolled him over the tide


Chorus: Oh I have never had a prayer that he couldnt answer I've never shed a tear that he could not dry and when waves of life are so high you cant mount he will roll you over the tide


When The tide is closing and my life becomes a burdon I want run but there is no place to hide I just look up like O'Stephen to the right hand of the father and he rolls me over the tide


Old Pictures

Searching Through Pictures
I can see glimces of the past
I can see things I have long forgotten
Things I never thought I would remember again
And for brief moments Its almost like I'm there
Its like God granted me one last wish
Just to be able to see you again
Hold you close
And embrace with and hug
Sometimes we forget the good times
We just remember how hard life is without you here
But what we neglect to acknowledge is you can be with us once again
Not in body
But in Spirit
And we can think back and look through the phrases of time
Through old pictures.

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Once Again

Once Again I Call Upon you name
Once again I'm in trouble
I know you hear me alot
But you said you'd love me no matter what
Once again I face Satan this mourning
Help me put him in his place
Take my hand Lord and lead me out
Carry me in your arms
Help Me Just Once Again Lord

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Phone Call To Heaven

God I know you can hear
And I call upon this number alot
But I just have one small request
My papaw is up there
He is waiting for me
Tell him I love him
And I cant wait to see him someday
But for now I'm busy with my life
Trying to carry out his dreams for me
I want a family someday
I'm on the right track
I think I have met miss right
I'm opening up a church someday
And I can be heard on the radio every saturday.
My grandpa would be proud
Oh and God I love you.

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Secret Angel

I woman was driving down the road one night
She begin to get very sleepy
She just worked a double shift
And she was ready for bed
Just when are eyes bout closed
She was awoke by blight lights
And a loud noise
She saw her life flash before her eyes
All her regrets
All those things she wish she had more time to do
Then it was like someone grabed a hold on the wheel
She was wide awake
And was safe now
All because of her Secret Angel setting beside her :-)

Billy Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon



Finding Myself

For years All I Done Was Ask Questions
Why does everytime happen to me
What did I do
Why did you take my family away
Why cant I serve you like I should
Why did that woman hurt me in church
Than I began to love at myself
I saw someone in me that I didnt know exsisted
And I changed and started living for you again
Not only did I find myself but I found you
I found that I had a calling for you
Even though I ran for a few years
I finally accepted the call
Now I'm doin whatever I can to serve you
And I thank you each day for that chance

Billy Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


This next one was my least favorite but everyone loves it I guess its true you are always your worst credic And oldly enough my first one published I wanted to get published BUT everything I tried to send it was too long so at that time this was my shortest 2 weeks later it was published


God's Hand

God's Hand is strong and hard
Yet it's gentle and meek
It's Strong when we disobey him
It's gentle when we are in pain
Or when he need a shoulder to cry upon
It's hard when we do something we know is wrong
But Do it anyway
God's hand can carry us out of ANY valley
God's hand can help us along the way
God's hand can carry the world in his palm.
God's hand is a safe place to be from the storm
Not only the natrual storm but the storm burning in our soul
When the devil comes knocking
And tries to get your down
Just find a safe place in God's hand
For God will see you through

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Good Mourning Mama

I know you can hear me
I just wanta say I love you
You are in Heaven now
rejocing with the Lord
Praising him from the highest
But noiw it's your birthday
Another holiday without you
It always seems to be the worst
Its the days I miss you most
I just wanta thank you for all those times You were there
You helped me through alot
I just wish you were here nowMy mom is alive and Well
But her mom isnt
And This mother's day is going to be tough
On her

Billy Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


This was a poem about a woman I went to church with for years


Life Support

Living Day By Day.
On A Machine That Gives Ya Life.
I knew you for years We attended church together.
Now you are hooked up to a Machine.
But I know if God calls you home
You will enter those Heaven Gates.
Your whole life journey for God will be Awarded
With Those Few Words Welcome Home My Child.
As I try not to cry.
For years I never saw you seek for The Holy Ghost.
But those last few weeks you did.
As others begin to give up I didnt.
Cause I knew youd recieve it.
Your smile was worth it all.
I heard you sing in church for years.
Now you might be singing in Heaven.
Right now your alive.
Only alive because a machine allows you.
But it will take a miracle from God to arise you.
You were loved By your church family and natural.

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Not The Man I used To Be

I'm not the man I used to be
I used to smile
I used to laugh
But people runied all of that
I can't look or even face the crowd
Cause all the talk that they said
They talk their talk
And walk their walk
But they made me into the man I am today
I used to love to serve
And was there at his every call
But now I'm too scared to even speak
But I'm still not the man I used to be
A man so strong that he could face the world
A man so full of faith no man could break
I would hit the town
With my head up high
Living in the coulds
But I'm not the man I used to be

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Starting Over

I was standing in the middle of no where
Bombs were going off
You could see your life flash before your very eyes
And one point you could even see the Heaven open up
As you could see someone pointing you home
All the things you didnt do came to you
All you regrets
Al all those things you knew was wrong but you done them anyway
Then you began to say a little prayer
God if it's my time
If I die today
Forgive me Lord for all I have done
I was family up there that misses me
And I miss them
I'm turely Sorry Lord
Plese Forgive Me

Billy Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


I wrote this back in 2000 It was before I met my now wife and I was going through a REALLY hard time getting over an relationship I was in I thought God put it together because she was the perfect image of what I was praying for but what I didnt realize at that time was It would of lasted if God really did put it together


Switched Partners

You said we were forever
You seen infinity would never end
We quoted the song Birds To A Feather
I thought our love you never end
But you thought different

Before I knew it you were gone
You were in the arms of a new man
Now you have a nice family
Yet I'm too stuck on you to move on

I pray to God that someday I will find peace
Peace enough to not be scared
I'm so afraid of getting hurt again

I'm have cried the tears
I have drove people nuts talking bout you
Yet you have moved on Why Cant I?

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


And here is the 2nd years later after I got married

Switched Parters 2

When I last wrote this
I was burdoned down with cares
And problems behide me
But I've moved on now
God a better life now
You are in the process of getting a divorce
I've been married for over a year
and I met the person that was meant to be
Instead of settling for second best

Billy J Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


The Act

Are we just acting
Or is it real
Is it just a part in a play
Or is this really us

Sometimes people wonder why they dont get more from God
We judge everyone esle
But never look at ourselves
We think of us as perfect
And everyone esle is not living the right life

Stop for just a second
And begin to examine yourself
Are you living the part
Or just acting it?

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


This REALLY Happened it was a vision I had I lived my whole life in church but Ran from the call of God quit church at 16 because I wanted to live my life that was my excuse I thought I was happy but I wasnt well it only lasted 2 years cause I had this vision


The Lambs Book Of Life

One Night While Layin in Bed And a dream
Like I never want a again.
I started flying and couldnt come down.
I was waving Bye to my family and friends.
Like I was never going to see them again.
Then I saw God
He was standing in front of The Lambs Book Of Life.
He looked at me and said Depart Me
You Once Knew Me But You Turned your back on me.
I begin to cry out in a loud voice!
I know my name HAS to be there
I was only out for 2 years
But Son You once knew me but you turned away from me
I Never left you You left Me.
I cried God let me that book
I saw my name wasnt there
I begin to say God give me a second chance
I will DO BETTER!!

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


The Old Drunk

Back in the day he went to church on Sunday
He even got saved
But he turned away from God
And went his way
He began to live like the world
and he changed his ways
Later down the road.....
On his death bed he asked his daughter to pray
OK Dad you want healing
Just pray Sis
You could see the tears going down his face
The daughter prayed 3 times but never saw an healing
Finally after the 3rd time God spoke to her and said....
Sissy he is healed but not in the way you were hopeing
Now some say this man didnt make it in as he took his last breath
But if you could had saw the gleam in his eye you would do he did

You dont have to be at a alter
You can be at home in your Bed
And got can forgive that wondering soul.

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Watching Through The Window

As I look outside to the beyond
I see the grass
With flowers wild and planted both matched gracefully
I see the sky
As it fills itself with white coulds
I see The sun
As it beams down giving us a bright ray of light
I see the trees
As they protect us from the heat
I see all that the earth holds
I see all that God grated us with
And I'm thankful he gave us another day.
Another day to see all he holds in his hands.

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Whispering To The Wind

The dawns adawans
with many lives gone before thy eyes
With their last moments flashing before their eyes
Wondering if this is the last
Wondering if tommorrow will ever come
Praying to God for a second chance
Yet the bomb comes closer
And they soon realize the end is near
As the place crashes into the building
There is people running and shouting out his name
The sae people who for years wanted to take God out
Is now calling upon him in a time of need
The the whole US unites in prayer
A little too late wouldnt you think

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon



This is the 2nd Part of Life Support then was wrote when the Life Support was cut off


She's Gone

She's gone now
Now what will I do
I will never see that smile
I will never see her in church
I will have to look at an empty seat
She passed away at 1:30
Now heaven has a new angel
Her journey in this world has ended
As she took her last breath year
She took her first look at Heaven
She is happier now than shes ever been
When I wonder why she left
All I got to think bout it how happy she is now
I might not be able to see her now
But I will someday when I reach those heaven gates

Billy Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Skipping Rope

Skipping Rope
Skipping School
Playing hookie like a child
But this time I'm an adult
And its church
Thinking I can make it on my own
thinking I know it all
But actually I'mup against a wall
But I'm out having a ball
Thinking I'm happy
But yet I'm as sad as can be
Cause I have the left favor of God
Then without no warning at all
A car slams on his brakes
And I awake in front of a book
A very harsh book the Lambs Book Of Life
I wish I'd spent more time hearing God
Because then I would hear Welcome Home
Instead I hear Depart From Me
Now I cant skip out

Billy J Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Smile At Me

Smile At Me
Dont Look Down At Me
I might be different than you
But I'm still created by The Savior Lord Jesus Christ
I'm not the best looking humam on this Earth
But I'm not the worst either
And I have feelings
And when you stare at my misfortune
It makes me cry
And I'm happy just the way I am
Why cant your accept that

Billy Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Snow Falling

As I look back into yester year
I can see you
You are satting on the bed
Watching the white snow fall
As I watch as a child with wonder and amazement
You hold me close so I dont catch a chill
We just look into that snow
We see a peaceful world
One we wished we could be
Now years as past and you are gone to a better place
But I still wonder bout you papaw
Every time I see the snow
Or leaves fall in the fall
Every little thing reminds me of you
You are gone to Heaven now
Now All I have in the memories
And I teasure each one like pieces of gold

Billy Joe Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon


Snow Globes

My mom used to wonder why love Snow Globes
Because No Matter How bad your life is
No matter how far the road as took you
No matter how lost you get
You can look in that globe
And you can see a peaceful place
One with no trouble
One with no tears
Its as if the world is perfect and you look into that Globe
You forget all of your troubles
And just imagion your life if the world was like that small town
And for a moment you can imagion yourself there

Billy Higdon

Copyright ©2005 Billy Joe Higdon