New Hope Community Chapel
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Welcome To New Hope Community Church

Unable to get to church join this church God told me to create it so here I am Lord Obeying You Its one of the very first of this type a church that only esists online come join us 24/7 and people Lets Have Church



center> Daily Bible Trivia

The Church Chat Room

This week will start the 2nd  in a series on The Thursday Night Bible Study on The Entire Bible On Janurary 12th we will start with Genesis straight through to Revelations at least 1 or 2 chapters a night depending on time.

Regular Church Services are Sunday 6:30 PM Bible Studys Thursday at 7 PM but anytime its open







Dont forget to sign the guestbook with special prayer requests and testimonies


To All:

Just because this is in chat room in a church type setting ( I never heard of it either but this is what God told me to call it) I do believe in Baptism in water (The Only Way Acts 2:38) So if you happen to get saved by the words God gave us to say in this chat room if you are not in my area and you get saved PLEASE go to a preacher somewhere and get baptized in water .




Join These Lists

center> Daily Bible Trivia



Join These Lists

Are you a minister that wants to preach at a church or you a minister that is wanting someone to minister at your church are you a pastor that needs a church join this list and Find you church to minister at or post asking for someone to minister at your church

No Matter where you live EVERYONE needs to pray for this situration I'm from KY but This prayer line should never end

A mailing list for good folks that join this Online Church If you enjoy the church chat join newhopechapel for member list up to date info on website etc

I'm a Pastor from KY but are you a prisoner in jail looking for answers wanting to know your purpose in life Have you been told there is no Chance But I got news for you today EVERYONE is called for a purpose EVERYONE can be saved EVERYONE is equal in the eyes of God and he loves each and every one of you So I'm reaching out to you to tell you that no matter what you have done YOU CAN CHANGE but it takes the help of God

Post your prayer requests


Are You A Minister That Needs To Be Ordained Do It Here Free


WE are a Preordained Generation 1st Tim said we are a Royal Priesthood.  The Law requires a paper but if you are called of God use that work Obey God answer his call he wont wait forever


I heard a story once where this young man saw 10,000 come to God in one night in Africa he began to get humble went to his tent and prayed and Said God why would you call me you and God said you was the 3rd person I called everyone else said NO


Which would you rather be today?


What The Pastor Higdon Believes:

I believe we are All 1 with God there is no color in the eyes Of God.

I Believe In Salvation, Baptistum In The Name Of Jesus Christ, And Baptisum of The Holy Ghost with the evidence of tongues

I believe we can ALL work in the spirtial gifts of God 1 Cor Chap 12 In Fact I work in all 9 gifts Plus I also dream dreams and can intruput Dreams

I Believe YOU CAN NEVER get too close to God

I Believe its not what we look like but its our hearts

And Most of all I believe EVERYONE can have that New Hope In Christ and be saved!!





I just created the web counter the other day and it already messed up Go figure lol  So here is the new one


My old counter stopped at 414 So I will be getting a new one





internet service provider





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